Anxiety: Meet the Background Singers

Anxiety: Background Singers

Anxiety is a word I hear probably 30 times a day, and not always or even mostly from my clients. It has come to mean a myriad of things. The shortlist includes an emotional state of fear, apprehension, stress, restlessness, and a general state of unsettled. This is in no way comprehensive. Anxiety is both a state and a trait, meaning that it is a way of being and a place we pass through in our days. Since anxiety holds such a big place in our lives here's a place to cover some of its contributing factors.

First up, is the easiest to treat. Low protein consumption. When our bodies are not getting adequate protein intake anxiety spikes. It makes sense when you think about it. Of course, if your physiology is not receiving the nutrition it needs to be able to function it is going to freak out. This sends you spiraling. Hello, anxiety! Shooting for 30 grams of protein in your breakfast can reduce anxiety by up to 60%. Can you believe such a simple and nearly free protocol exists?

Next, we are on the topic of nutrition and anxiety. It's worth noting that sugar and caffeine consumption top the list as well. In today's world, it is so easy to consume way more than the recommended 24g of sugar a day. Same for caffeine. Many people actually metabolize caffeine at a very slow rate, indicating that they should stay under 100 mg per day. That is equivalent to a cup of black coffee. Even fast metabolizers should limit caffeine to around 300mg per day. One latte, a soda, and maybe a glass of tea each day could be escalating your anxiety in a creeping in the background way.

Blood sugar regulation is next on the list, and it's an easy add-on. If you are consuming your protein intake and limiting your sugar you are well on your way. More and more evidence suggests a relationship between mood and blood sugar, or glycemic, highs and lows. If you find yourself getting hangry before meals or sleepy after, the chances are high that you could be confusing mental health symptoms of anxiety and a genuine health concern. The brain runs primarily on glucose and enjoys stability. Highs and lows are not its friends. Learning to monitor blood sugar is easy and rewarding once you learn the cues. Check out Glucose Goddess on IG for more tips.

Lastly, my favorite find of the last 3 years. The Slow COMT gene. This answer does involve getting genetic testing done. I used Max Gen Labs, the Works protocol several years ago and it was life-changing. Most genetic testing companies offer the breakdown for this gene though. If you have had anxiety on and off for most of your life, medication does not work, and you cannot find relief from shifting belief work, this is for you. Slow COMT, the worrier gene, is attributed to higher production of neurotransmitters eliciting the anxious response. It also accounts for high levels of memory and intelligence. Not all bad. Specific supplements are available over the counter and provide quick relief for those blessed enough to have this mutation.

Anxiety as a buzzword is here to stay. It is my hope however that none of you find yourself plagued with the ambiguous for longer than needed. Check out these resources and see if you can find some relief outside the office. Happy Healing!